Wednesday, 15 August 2007

World Development Movement workshops at the Climate Camp

Climate change and global justice
Wednesday, 10.30am, Small is Beautiful

Climate change has been caused by the emissions of the rich world, but will affect the developing world most. Come and discuss fighting climate change as a global justice issue, the links between climate change and corporate globalisation, and whether carbon offsetting and biofuel use are really a route to development for poor countries.

Dying on a jet plane: Climate change, aviation and development
Wednesday, 12noon, Main marquee
Saturday, 2pm, Small is Beautiful

Aviation is the fastest growing source of the UK’s carbon emissions and already contributes nearly 13 per cent of the climate damage we cause. Yet it is effectively subsidised by a
government which is committed to massive aviation expansion. Come and explore how to counter the industry’'s myths about itself, and what we can do to curb the growth in flying.

The World Development Movement campaigns for justice for the world’'s poor. Find out more at

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